How Long Should It Take to Install an Electric Clothes Dryer? | Less than one hour | 76% | One to two hours | 23% | | | Question: How Long Should It Take to Install an Electric Clothes Dryer? Top Answer (76% of 34 votes): Less than one hour.
Answer: One to two hours Explanation: It depends on what type of dryer and acess | Red 1Appliance Repair | Answer: Less than one hour Explanation: This takes an hour or less to complete. | T&C Appliance/HVAC Repair | Answer: Less than one hour Explanation: It usually takes less than an hour to install a dryer. | JJP Appliance Repair | | ProMatcher | Answer: Less than one hour Explanation: Plug and vent | All Brands Appliance Repair | Answer: Less than one hour Explanation: Bring it in, hook-up electric cord, plug it in, hook-up vent and level it | John's Appliance Installations | Answer: Less than one hour Explanation: Assuming the ducting and faucet (if necessary) is close at hand, unpacking, installation and testing should take no longer than an hour. | Trevor Taylor Appliance Repairs | | ProMatcher | Answer: Less than one hour Explanation: hardiest is hooking up the Transition Hose | Dryer Vent Specialist | Answer: Less than one hour Explanation: A dryer change out involves connecting the dryer duct & plugging it in. MAKE SURE TO BUY A METAL DRYER DUCT! | La Rose Home Repair | Answer: One to two hours Explanation: Duct work and power cord | Assurance Appliance Repair, LLC | | ProMatcher | Answer: Less than one hour Explanation: As long as there is an existing 220v electrical outlet. | JW Professional Services |