How long does an electric dryer typically last? | Five to eight years | 20% | Eight to ten years | 31% | Ten to fifteen years | 17% | Fifteen to twenty years | 20% | Not sure | 10% | | | Question: How long does an electric dryer typically last? Top Answer (31% of 29 votes): Eight to ten years.
Answer: Not sure Explanation: Depends on the wear and tear, and how well it is cared for. Some dryers last only 2 years, while others last 18 yrs. | T&C Appliance/HVAC Repair | Answer: Fifteen to twenty years Explanation: A dryer should last up to 20 years if well maintained. | JJP Appliance Repair | Answer: Fifteen to twenty years Explanation: A well maintained dryer could easily last for 15 to 20 years. | Advantage Repair Services, LLC | | ProMatcher | Answer: Ten to fifteen years Explanation: Well as with any electrical appliance, it's lifespan will depend on how much it is used, but ten to fifteen years seems to be the norm. | Trevor Taylor Appliance Repairs | Answer: Ten to fifteen years Explanation: Long as you Maintain your dryers Exhaust cleaning I've seen dryers 15 years old | Dryer Vent Specialist | Answer: Eight to ten years Explanation: Newer model can come with a 10 year warranty. Provided the dryer is used in accordance with manufacture instructions it should last beyond 10 years. | La Rose Home Repair | | ProMatcher | Answer: Fifteen to twenty years Explanation: It depends on how much use the dryer sees, but there is no reason that a good quality appliance cannot last upwards of 15-20 years. | MJ Services |