How long does a gas dryer typically last? | Five to ten years | 25% | Ten to fifteen years | 35% | Fifteen to twenty years | 25% | Twenty to twenty-five years | 5% | Not sure | 10% | | | Question: How long does a gas dryer typically last? Top Answer (35% of 20 votes): Ten to fifteen years.
Answer: Ten to fifteen years Explanation: If it takes more than 30 minutes to dry clothes, something is probably wrong with the dryer vent, not the dryer itself. | T&C Appliance/HVAC Repair | Answer: Fifteen to twenty years Explanation: A dryer should last up to 20 years if well maintained. | JJP Appliance Repair | Answer: Five to ten years Explanation: Not built to last like the old ones were | John's Appliance Installations | | ProMatcher | Answer: Fifteen to twenty years Explanation: Some gas dryers will last over 20 years if properly maintained. | MJ Services |